I'm not sure I even knew what a computer was in elementary school. They probably did teach us about the first computers that took up large rooms, but I don't remember. Our high school did have a computer lab, but I think it was mostly geeky students that took classes and used them. There was a guy I knew that even got paid (I think) to do some computer work outside of school. Since my passion was in art, I didn't have anything to do with the computers there.
I went to a liberal arts college and my majors of art and business did not require that we had to have a computer of our own. Of course we used computers for classes like accounting and I even took a class on computer programming (which readily verified that I was not much of a geek and did not have much patience for dealing with a computer). But there were computers at school we could use.
During my Junior and Senior years at college, I lived in a house with six other girls. One of them had had a computer since freshman year and she was nice enough to let us all use it (the house computer). As the end of a semester would approach, we actually had to schedule time to use it as we all would have papers to write and projects to work on. We managed (sharing - what a concept!).
Right after college, I got married. Frank was required to have a computer for his engineering degree and that is what we had for awhile. Over the years, he has been in charge of purchasing and maintaining the computers (since he works in the industry) and we only had one computer.
Anna started using the computer when she was two. But as she has grown, we have still shared one. Eventually Frank purchased a laptop to take with him when he travels. So as Anna spent more time on the computer and was required to do homework assignments on them, we have had two to use. Sometimes on weekends, I would not be able to use either computer as they would both be occupied. It wasn't a big deal to me most of the time. I would try to do important stuff during the week while they were at school and work.
Over a year ago, Windows crashed on our desktop computer (which is about eight years old) and would no longer function. Frank knew he could keep the desktop functioning with Linux and that is what we use on it now. Of course, it is something new for me to adjust to and we don't have all the software that is equivalent to the Windows versions I like to use.
We still have Windows on the laptop, so for some time I have been going back and forth between the two. Both have access to an external hard drive which makes the switching a little bit easier.
Last year, Anna decided she wanted a Mac for Christmas. Santa brought her a Mac Book (which they now no longer make). She has been using it since. Frank has been very impressed with it. I have never used hers.
Now we have three computers in the house. To me that seems reasonable with three people living here. Some of my family members have been urging me to get my own computer as they know I am getting increasingly frustrated with switching between two different ones. But I kept thinking, "Isn't that excessive? We already have three (plus the recent addition of an iPad2 of which I have also had minimal use). Do we really need to get another computer?"
The answer is "no." But I have finally gotten to the point where I want my own. So, we have ordered a Mac Book Pro laptop for me. Since Frank was so impressed with the Mac, I figured I would get one. I would have a new learning curve anyway if he decides to replace our old desktop, so that is what I chose.
I wanted a desktop Mac, but when Anna and I visited the store, the screens looked so big to me. I asked if they had anything smaller and they said the smallest they make is the 21" screen. That was too big for me, so I looked at the lap tops. I am getting the 17" screen. We ordered a refurbished one and it has yet to arrive.
Are you a Mac or PC and why?
1 comment:
Hooray for you. Finally your OWN computer with the software YOU choose and onto which you will have first dibs. I applaud you for taking on something new. If I were younger, that's the way I'd go because of the graphics but since I don't want to hurdle yet another steep learning curve, I'll be plugging along on my Windows machine.
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