Have you met Roy G. Biv? I didn't, until I was an adult but it is an acronym for the order of colors in a rainbow (Red,Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet). So going along with Roy, here are some of my red and orange fabrics I dyed. The pictures can't really convey the true colors, but this is just to give you an idea.

And now for something completely different! While driving back from the open studio on Sunday, my car overheated and I pulled to the side of the road to let it cool down. A policeman came by and eventually escorted me to the Chevron that wasn't too far down the road. As I was purchasing some engine coolant, another young man, who happens to work at a garage, asked if he could help me. He discovered there was a leak in my radiator.
With lots of engine coolant, I did eventually make it home. Yesterday, I tried calling a couple of automotive places to see if I could get a quote for a new radiator. I had taken my car previously to Oakley Moody which is downtown and gave them a call. The guy gave me a quote while I was on the line. I said thanks and I would get back to him. I called another place. The guy said they would call me back with a quote. I also talked to the guy who helped me the day before.
I decided to call Oakley Moody back because I like them and they are downtown, so when I have to wait for the car for a couple of hours, I can just shop, or look at galleries or get something to eat. I called back around 2:30 p.m. to see when I could bring the car in. Eventually they said I could bring it right then. Off I went!
I dropped the car off and went to the thrift store and the Art Source Gallery. Went back to the shop and read a book. I was driving home by 5:30 p.m. How often does that happen?! They already had the part and they were pretty busy because there were lots of other cars there, but they got me in. Awesome! So this is a little free advertising for them. Go there if you live in Boise and need your car fixed.
And that other place, I'm still waiting for a quote from them.