Originally, I thought the title for this post should be: What kind of parents are we?
A while ago, Anna asked if she could get blue streaks in her hair. I've always thought that she should be able to wear her hair as she liked (although I will give my unwelcome input often, especially when we can't see her beautiful face) since it is her hair. I pondered the question and said, yes. But that doesn't mean I have to pay for it. So I told her she would have to pay for it.
We inquired with the hair dresser about how much it might cost for a few streaks of blue. It was going to be around $20-30 dollars, plus maybe the cost of the dye, since blue doesn't seem to be a common color to have on hand. To save some money, I told Anna that I would be willing to try to do the streaks at home for her, but she still needed to buy the dye. Also, she would be doing it at her own risk since I am no hair dresser.
One day we went to the beauty supply store and asked the person there what she would recommend (and as Anna said, of course she recommended the more expensive dye). Since Anna's hair is dark, we weren't sure if it would work.
One night I put the gloves on, read the directions and we dove right in. It didn't work very well. Anna's hair had a slight blue tint, but it really just blended in with the rest of her hair. The directions did say you might need to bleach dark hair first. But we thought we would try it without. Nope, didn't work.
Round two: I bought some hair dye at the store to bleach Anna's hair first. I put the gloves on again and went back to work. Here's what we ended up with.

Round three: Reapply the blue dye and see what happens.

It didn't turn out how Anna had hoped it would. She was looking for a dark royal type of blue. She ended up with a robin's egg type of blue. She was quite upset about it, even though we did have a laugh about it (o.k. mom had a laugh. What kind of parent am I?) I actually thought it was a pretty color, but not Anna. She wanted to try doing the blue again.
After two or three attempts, I was ready to set aside the gloves. But Frank took up the cause and did three or four more blue hair dyeing attempts (why didn't I take a picture of that?). The last time they left the dye in for three times the amount of time it said to leave it in. It did end up more blue, but despite the fact that it is suppose to be permanent, it is washing out each time she washes her hair.
Robin's egg blue is a very pretty color, don't you think?