. . . for this Kreativ Blogger award by Beverly (see her blog
here). I am grateful she thinks I deserve this award. I think I need to spruce up the blog and have more art content, but most of the time, those everyday things, that do not necessarily include creative endeavors, take over. I thank those of you that read this blog, even through some of the boring stuff.

The rules for this award are:
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from in your blog.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
Here are my 5 nominees for the award (although some of them may already have done this)
Sara Lechner: I enjoy seeing her fantastic needle felting works, as well as others, on her blog(s). She really creates her own little worlds. She is in Austria.
Beate Knappe: I think she has already been nominated, but oh well. She has lovely photography and also needle felted projects. Although she lives in Germany and uses German in her blog, she also provides English translations.
Melody Johnson: Her blog always provides a blast of color from her quilts, house decor and garden and I am always amazed at how quickly productive she is.
Terry Grant: I love Terry's style of artwork and enjoy reading her thoughtful and well written posts.
Lisa Call: She inspires me so much with her dedication to her art and pursuing her goal to make it her day job. I also admire her organization skills.