
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ta Da!

I want you all to look at these pictures carefully. It is the first, and probably only, time my sewing room will look this neat (dare I even say, professional?). As you can see, I have completed step 7 from the previous post and filled up the cubicals. I took out a bookshelf and dresser and organized a little bit so I have this "new" space. All my fabric came out of drawers, closets, bookshelves and is now consolidated onto the cubes (o.k. some fabric for unfinished projects are elsewhere.)

It took me a morning to build the cubes and a day and a half to get the fabric neatly onto the shelves. I had to refold all the fabric to fit. It took me another day to get the rest of the space in order. Let me take you on a tour.

This first picture is seen as you are walking into the room. There is the ironing board and then one of those fold up tables to cut on. One side is folded down the other side is up. Then, my lovely new cubes with neatly folded and color coordinated (mostly) fabric. (We'll see how long that lasts.)

Turning toward the left. More lovely fabric and the design wall that we put up in stage one of the sewing room re-do. What I noticed as I was going through my fabrics was that I tended to have a lot of medium values, not much light or dark. I have a lot of greens and blues (although I never seem to use much blue). For prints, I have lots of oriental, African looking prints, modern geometric type and some small florals. An eclectic mix. This looks like a lot of fabric, and it is. But it is about 15 years worth.

Turning more to the left, you see my sewing machine and cabinet, then a blanket chest, which actually has blankets in it. Someday I would like to put two small storage units on wheels here instead. Then if I am quilting something very large, I could roll them over to the back side of my sewing cabinet and use them to help support the fabric. I can do that with the blanket chest as well, but it is not quite convenient.

Looking from behind the sewing area toward the blanket chest, there is the closet that has the closed door, because that part has not been cleaned out and re-organized yet. I forgot to take a picture of the installed track lights, but you can see one here.

Now looking back out the door. Ignore the unorganized supplies in the sewing cabinet. They need some work, too.

Back to the cutting table corner and this completes our tour. I hope you have enjoyed your visit!

(Now if I could just get the art studio upstairs to look like this!)


sandy said...

Congratulations -- and well done! -- you've accomplished a lot and it looks like you're ready to go!

Beverly said...

It does feel nice to have the creative space nice,clean, and organized, doesn't it? Love the fabric storage!

And,I also like the piece over your cutting table. A work in progress, or completed? I like the lines and your use of values--

Sara lechner said...

hi Lisa,

I like very much how you arranged your studio. I hope you have enough time to be creative!! (I read the "Routine"!)