Yesterday and last night we received a couple of inches of snow. But that was not why they canceled school for the first time since Anna's been in school! The roads were too icy and slippery. We still got up early, got ready and left around 7:40 a.m. to get to school by 8 a.m. for choir. As we were part of the way to school, a guy in a truck, driving by, slowed down to tell us school was canceled. Really? Thanks, mister. I never turn on the radio or t.v. in the morning (or during the day either) so didn't know.
Anna wanted to continue on to school just to make sure. When we arrived the school was dark. We went in anyway (as I needed to return the school cameras) and the principal was there to confirm that there was, indeed, no school. Back home we walked. Anna was super happy!

We caught the sunrise on our way back. At home we had some hot chocolate and then immediately donned our snow pants and gear. We were headed back to the field with our nordic skis before the snow melted.

With much trepidation on Anna's part we skied into the field. She does not like falling at all and gets nervous when she has to go down hill (although the hill is more like a bump and she could walk faster than the speed that she was skiing down the small hill). With much coaxing we got to the flatter trail. Going back and forth a couple of times made it nice to glide on (although we could have used a little more snow as I hit some rocks a couple of times).

After our adventure, we went back to the house and tried sledding down the street. It was the slowest sled ride ever. I could tell the temperature was warming up and the snow was starting to get slushy. Looks like school might be on for tomorrow!