
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Winding Up and Down

The year is starting to wind down. How did it come to be Dec. 2nd already? The holiday season is just starting to wind up. I haven't hauled out the decorations yet, but we are planning a holiday craft party for Anna and her friends this Saturday. I'm sure some of the holiday cheer will start coming out of storage this weekend.

I'm also trying to wind down the homemade gifts. I already have two boxes mailed but have a functional quilt to finish and mail. Although the season is usually filled with creativity around here, not much artwork gets made during this time.

If you are curious about the picture above, it is a birch tree photo that I was playing around with in Photoshop (many moons ago).

1 comment:

carin said...

Cool picture! I like the way the swirls look like paint.
I continue to always be impressed by your organization in keeping up with the holidays.