The Treasure Valley Artists' Alliance has designated this month as Fiber February. On Feb. 2, the group held a panel discussion on Fiber Arts. I was asked to be a panelist, along with other Idaho artists
Thea Belecz,
Sara Esquivel-Morrissette,
Betty Hayzlett,
Shirley McCarter and
Kathleen Probst with Boise State University Assistant Professor,
Lily Martina Lee, hosting as moderator.
The event was well attended, good questions being asked and lots of interest. Each artist on the panel brought some examples of their work for people to see.
The Treasure Valley Artists' Alliance is also hosting several fiber workshops to go along with the monthly theme. I will be teaching one and my friend, Kathleen, will also be teaching one. There is a third workshop in the making with my other friend, Betty Hayzlett, teaching. But that one has not been finalized (keep checking on TVAA website for information).
Sign-up for the workshops is through the Treasure Valley Artists' Alliance
website (scroll down and click on "pay now" button to register). Since spaces are limited, sign up soon!
Here is the workshop information:
Stitch and Post Workshop
Instructor: Lisa Flowers Ross
Date: Saturday, February 21, 2015
Time: 1 – 4 pm
Place: Lisa Flowers Ross’ studio, 1466 Rimrock Ct., Boise
Maximum number of students: 8

Add a new layer of dimension to your artwork! In this workshop, participants will learn several different, simple hand stitches that can be used in a variety of ways on fabric, canvas or paper to add extra texture and accent to your work. Examples from different artists will be shown and lots of stitching ideas generated. Using fused fabrics, participants will compose and complete a small artwork or postcard, embellished with hand stitching, that can actually be mailed, or just “posted” on the internet.
Workshop fee for TVAA members: $15
Fee for non-members: $30
Mod Fusion
Instructor: Kathleen Probst
Date: Saturday, February 28, 2015
Time: 9 am – 3 pm
Place: Kathleen Probst's studio, 2286 W. Kelly Creek Dr., Meridian
Maximum number of students: 8
Get Your Mod On! In this workshop you will learn how to fuse fabrics and create a variety of fusing effects. You will produce several samples to practice the techniques and then create a small composition. We will focus entirely on fusing. No sewing machines are required.
Workshop fee for TVAA members: $35
Fee for non-members: $55
Sign up now!
I am excited about teaching my workshop. I hope some of you can join me.