Twelve by Twelve group that I have been following, has put up their finished works for their water challenge. I also managed to do a piece with the water theme and this one is even close to the 12 x 12" size. I've had this done for a while but was waiting for them to put up theirs.

I chose an environmental approach to water. These are water bottles that I stamped with a stamp I carved. I placed a plastic sheet protector over the bottles and sewed around the edge of each one. Then I carefully cut the excess from around each bottle. Some of the bottles have the number 1,ooo stamped in them. This is based on an article I read that said some plastic water bottles could take up to a thousand years to decompose.
The 26,000,000,000 that is stamped in the green is the number of litres of water bottles the US used in 2006 (based on this article). The background fabric has fish swimming around on it. I colored over the fabric some to tone it down. Makes you think how many water bottles are being used and wasted (because the article said most of them don't get recycled). Plus, 40% of bottled water is just tap water.
Thanks for this thoughtful approach to the water theme. May I add that of those bottles that are recycled, they're not reused as bottles -- the enormous amounts of energy used to eke another life out of them is more likely to become a park bench (we need those too though). I rather like the system they have in Germany; selling mineral water in glass bottles which are returned to then be sterilized and re-filled (using much less energy and allowing for repeated re-use) rather than being turned into something completely different. Just something more to think about.
This is a great interpretation of the theme. And your quilt looks great too! Regards.
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