Today I am taking a break from vacation pictures.
I think most people know about Harry Potter whether or not they have read the books or have seen the movies. I am a big fan of the books - not a fanatic. I enjoy reading them and have read each of them several times now. I can read one in a day. Not that I am necessarily a fast reader but that everything else gets ignored until I am finished with the book. That means meals don't get cooked, mail isn't retrieved, phone isn't answered.
Anna is a big fan, too, as we have read all the books to her. She has been talking for months about the release of the movie, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which corresponds to the fifth book in the series. It was released in the middle of last week and she was constantly asking when we were going to go see it. A girl at her camp had seen it at midnight the day (morning) it was released.
I figured since this past weekend was opening weekend, the theaters would be pretty busy. However, I thought maybe the first show on Sunday morning wouldn't be so crowded. I looked up the times and they had the first at 9:30 a.m. They don't usually start movies that early but I guess they figured lots of people wanted to go see it. That was a good time to go as there weren't many people there.
The movie was good, but the books are always better, for any of them that are turned into movies. The books allow you to imagine the scenes and gives more depth and background information. Whenever there is a movie that is made from a book that Anna wants to see, I tell her we have to read the book first. Then, we can go to the movie and, afterward, discuss how it is the same or differs from the book. Did they create the movie with a vision similar to what she had envisioned when reading it?
Now, we are both very excited for the last Harry Potter book to be released next week. I had it pre-ordered and will wait for it to arrive at my house.
For those familiar with the story, here are my predictions for things that might happen in the last book. Warning, if you have not read all the books and don't want to know parts of them, read no further.
1) I believe Snape is on Dumbledore's side. I think Snape and Dumbledore had an agreement that Snape was to kill Dumbledore if the Death Eaters were going to catch him or if Malfoy could not do it.
2) I think R.A.B. will end up being Sirius' brother, Regalus.
3) In the end, I don't think Harry will be the one to kill Voldemort as then his character would be somewhat tarnished having committed murder and would not remain innocent. And the prophecy said only that neither can live if the other survives. But it didn't say exactly that one had to kill the other.
4) There is some secret about Snape we have yet to learn. This being the reason Dumbledore trusted him so much.
5) I think in the end, Snape will kill Voldemort and get killed by him (perhaps trying to save Harry?). It would be the only act that would make the other characters believe he was on Dumbledore's side (seeing as it looks like only Dumbledore and Snape knew the plan they had agreed to), if you believe my theory in #1.

I can't wait to find out if these theories are correct! Happy reading!