
Monday, January 2, 2012

New Goals?

I reviewed my goals for last year and saw where I ended up.  Yesterday and today, I have been trying to write down new goals for 2012.  It's looking like a long to-do list.  I always have lots of to-do lists!

Then my friend, Kathleen Probst, wrote on her blog about not having any goals for the year.  I went to The Minimalists site that was linked in her post and continued to the article this guy wrote about not having goals and why.  He makes some good points.  And I like how Kathleen writes about working on habits instead (which are what some of my goals are working on).

Now, my Gemini twins have been struggling all day with the goal issue.  It sounds so freeing to be able to say I don't have any goals or to-do lists; I don't need to "accomplish" anything.  My type A personality is having trouble even contemplating how you could live without goals or to-do lists.

On the other hand,  the goals I have set for my art career in the last few years have really helped me move my art forward in many ways, especially with making sure I create for a certain amount of time every week.

I fear if I didn't have goals, it would be too easy for me to not get things done, to do nothing because I'm too tired, or let something else take priority (I did that for many years before I decided I needed to take myself seriously as an artist before anybody else could).

For me, I think it helps to have some realistic goals, but I know it's o.k. if I can't get them all accomplished.  I probably get more stressed out with the to-do lists (that are always there), than with the goals.  The goals are something to help keep me focused and heading in the right direction, whereas, the to-do lists are just something that needs to be done and that is always weighing on the back of my mind.

Maybe I need to get rid of to-do lists altogether.  But then I could see that I wouldn't have a reference for what I need to do.  Sounds like a big circle.  I'm not sure I know how to step outside the circle.  I think I need to draw that curvy line in the middle to make the yin-yang sign and work on balancing the whole thing.

What do you think about goal setting?

1 comment:

Lisa Call said...

I believe that Leo (of zen habits) has create systems for completing the work he wants to complete.

it's like brushing your teeth - you don't write that down because it is a habit. He has a habit of blogging and creating ebooks and online products. If he didn't have these habits he'd run out of money.

I think what he is saying is learn how to create systems for your business (which is what people have been saying for a long long time). Nothing new - just new packaging calling it "minimal".

Although like you wrote on my blog - we all have to do what works for us!

Good luck with your goals.