
Friday, March 2, 2007

Blocks and Dots

Here's something different.
Here's something new.
These color blocks can be done with paper, too!

Anna is too old for Dr. Seuss books anymore (can we ever be too old for Dr. Seuss?). But sometimes the rhythmical rhymes still pop into my mind. I think today is Dr. Seuss' birthday.

I decided to try the color blocks, like I did in the Spring Block series, in paper. Above is my first attempt. Although the papers, themselves, have some textures, it still seemed flat to me. I mean that literally. Working with hand dyed fabric and stitches even on Peltex, still gives it some physical depth.

The transparent pieces with dots on them are actually some type of interfacing with Shiva paint sticks rubbed on a texture plate to create the dots. I think I want to explore more of combining the fabrics and paper together.

Here is the second attempt. I'm liking the interfacing with dots. The dots on the paper are french knots I did with embroidery thread. There are also some other hand stitches. The paper with the squiggles in both pieces is a special paper. The squiggles are wax. The other side of the paper is actually the front and has some colors on it (the dark strips are the front side of the paper). I liked the back a little bit more because of the contrast the wax created with the rest of the paper.

Here is Spring Blocks #6. It is fused fabric, quilted on Peltex and it postcard size.

This is Spring Blocks #7. It is also fused fabric, quilted on Peltex and postcard size.

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